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Our Story

It all started with a cup of coffee.

It was one of those tiring days in Kate’s Master's dissertation at Warwick. Kate was listening to '출처(Trace by Tablo)’, and having a double espresso to wake up her brain. As the coffee reached her lips, the song started to make sense to her in a whole new way. The lyrics of the song told the story of the ugly side of capitalism, and she felt guilty when listening to the part of the song where expensive coffee prices were compared to cheap coffee labour.

Suddenly, an idea sprang to Kate’s mind: Could she make a coffee pencil with used coffee grounds?

She developed the idea, and finalised her plan: she wanted to collect used coffee grounds, and upcycle them to pencil lead, returning the profit to the coffee pickers. This would all be done with the help of franchise coffee shops and a graduate entrepreneur program.

It's these values that underpin Suda today – making it a hub for environmentally-conscious creatives and artists over the world.

Although the plan has yet to be fully approved, Kate hasn't given up, and Suda Bakery serves as a proof of concept for her ideas. For the success of business, she has focused on high quality service and products while she keeps developing her ideas.

Our Values

As a local business, we support the local community, and we also love supporting independent makers/artists, collaborating with them to make value added products.

We also use PEFC certified wood and FSC certified cardboard packing to ensure the material comes from sustainable sources.